
Federico López Picasso

Is a designer born in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

He began his professional career studying Architecture at University of Buenos Aires where he then worked for several prestigious studios. Travelling around the world has been a great inspiration for him which has lead to learn about different cultures and incorporate distinctive building and construction techniques along his work. In 2000, he partnered with Alejandra Giudici and founded Estudio Moas in New York. He has since then been dedicated to interior design and product development.


Alejandra Giudici

Is a designer and artist born in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

She developed her career in New York alongside the Inmersionist movement from 1991 (Williamsburg, Brooklyn) creating site specific installations with Lalalandia Entertainment Research Corp and moved to designing corporate events and privately owned spaces. Her work has been published in the national and international media.

In 2000 she partnered with Federico López Picasso and together they founded Estudio Moas to fulfill their passion for creativity and imaginative design.